Weight Loss Clinic: End Results!

A huge congratulations to first Weight Loss Clinic participants of 2024, who after 6 weeks on the course, have lost a combined total of 32kg (70.2lbs)!

This is an average weight loss of 7lbs, which is the half a stone loss we endeavour to achieve over the six weeks!

A special shout out to Elaine, who was our biggest “loser” from the Clinic, losing an amazing 9.7lbs!

Over the period of the clinic, the groups circumference measurements were also monitored. They achieved a total loss of 175cm. This is an average reduction of 17.5cm for each individual member!

The group now have the nutritional and exercise knowledge of how to continue their weight loss, to ensure they achieve their goals and aspirations in the future.

If you would like to part of the next Weight Loss Clinic at Parkwood Health & Fitness, keep your eye on our social media posts & website.. we will be publishing the dates for the next course soon!


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