Member of the Month: January 2023

It's Member of the Month time!

One of our favourite things to do at Parkwood is celebrate YOU, our fabulous members! 

This month, the award goes to the Dawn!

Below is Dawn’s story in her own words:

“I once told Chris at a local networking event that I didn’t need a gym!

Famous last words.. almost 5 years ago, I broke my leg and had to have some metal work to pin the bones back together. I had 4 nights in hospital where all the other “broken bone” patients were in their 80’s and that was my realisation moment -  I’d been kidding myself that walking or cycling my 15 minute commute to work was all I needed to be healthy. The reality was that although I looked slim, I was very unfit!!

As soon as my leg injury permitted, I met with Chris and signed up for my membership at Parkwood Health & Fitness. I literally started with just 2 minutes on a cross trainer and have built up to now using the gym for at least an hour every weekday evening.

The group classes are a great way to make friends. I like the way you are always given options and alternatives for high and low impact exercises. It’s very easy to make excuses and come up with reasons not to join a gym, but it’s definitely true that you always feel better after you’ve completed your workout.

My only regret is not signing up for membership earlier with my sister, who has also been using Parkwood for over 10 years.”

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