Success Stories: Lisa

We love celebrating our members and their success stories from participating in exercise!

Lisa has shared her story with us below:
"During 2019 and early 2020, I was suffering very badly with lower back pain. I couldn't walk far, lift anything or even get out of bed without being in pain. This resulted in multiple hospital appointments and various injections in my lower back, as well as weekly chiropractor appointments. I was advised by my chiropractor to strengthen my back. I tried Pilates as well as Personal Training. Then the lockdown hit us.
In May 2020, I started weekly outdoor training sessions with Andi Truckle. My flexibility was poor; I was barely able to touch past my knees and core exercises were a challenge. 
But, after a few months of weekly sessions as well as exercising at home a few times a week, I was pretty much free of pain. 
Since then, I have continued having Personal Training sessions with Andi. I complete 2 strength training sessions a week at Parkwood as well as attending 3-4 Group Fitness, and the occasional 5k run. My strength, especially my core strength, has increased significantly. I have also lost 3 stone and really enjoy my healthier lifestyle."

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